
Explosões e auroras: as incríveis candidatas a foto do ano de astronomia

"Dragão Ártico" - Carina Letelier Baeza/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Dragão Ártico' Imagem: Carina Letelier Baeza/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
do UOL

De Tilt, em São Paulo

03/07/2024 10h14Atualizada em 03/07/2024 15h10

As fotos finalistas do concurso "Fotógrafo do Ano de Astronomia" de 2024 foram divulgadas pelo Observatório de Greenwich. As imagens mostram explosões solares, capturas da Via Lactéa, auroras boreais e até uma maior aproximação com planetas distantes, como Saturno.

Os vencedores serão anunciados em setembro. Veja algumas das imagens selecionadas:

Hvalnesviti, Islândia

a - Jose Miguel Picon Chimelis/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Jose Miguel Picon Chimelis/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Uma Noite com as Valquírias'
Imagem: Jose Miguel Picon Chimelis/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Rafaela, Argentina

baleia - Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Uma baleia navegando no sol'
Imagem: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Garub, Namibia

casa - Stefan Liebermann/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Stefan Liebermann/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Casa abandonada'
Imagem: Stefan Liebermann/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

La Palma, Ilhas Canárias, Espanha

a - Jakob Sahner/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Jakob Sahner/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Observações à noite'
Imagem: Jakob Sahner/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Cidade de Aso, Japão

show - Yoshiki Abe/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Yoshiki Abe/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Show de galáxias da Terra e da Via Láctea'
Imagem: Yoshiki Abe/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Raufarhofn, Islândia

a - Carina Letelier Baeza/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Carina Letelier Baeza/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Dragão Ártico'
Imagem: Carina Letelier Baeza/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Observatório El Sauce, Rio Hurtado, Chile

devorador - ShaRa group/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - ShaRa group/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'O Devorador de Galáxias'
Imagem: ShaRa group/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Praia de Snettisham, Reino Unido

ser - Paul Haworth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Paul Haworth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
Imagem: Paul Haworth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Albacete, Espanha

a - Sándor Biliczki/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Sándor Biliczki/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Os detalhes azuis de M45: As Plêiades'
Imagem: Sándor Biliczki/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Szodliget, Hungria

a - Bence Toth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Bence Toth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Montanhas Nebulosas'
Imagem: Bence Toth/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Rio Hurtado, Chile

secador - Damon Mitchell Scotting/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Damon Mitchell Scotting/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'M100 (a galáxia do secador) e Ceres'
Imagem: Damon Mitchell Scotting/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Região de Kunene, Namíbia

a - Vikas Chander/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Vikas Chander/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Corra para Carina'
Imagem: Vikas Chander/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Gold Coast, Austrália

a - Kelvin Hennessy/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Kelvin Hennessy/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Trânsito Diurno da Lua na Estação Espacial Internacional'
Imagem: Kelvin Hennessy/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Exmouth, Austrália

eclipse - Gwenael Blanck/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Gwenael Blanck/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Eclipse solar total'
Imagem: Gwenael Blanck/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Brownstown, Estados Unidos

a - Holden Aimar/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Holden Aimar/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'M81, uma galáxia espiral de grande design'
Imagem: Holden Aimar/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Évora, Portugal

a - Miguel Claro/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Miguel Claro/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
' Gigantesca Proeminência Solar'
Imagem: Miguel Claro/Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Blue Mountains, Australia

saturno - Andy Casely/Astronomy Photographer of the Year - Andy Casely/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
'Saturno com seis luas'
Imagem: Andy Casely/Astronomy Photographer of the Year
